
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How Does Gloria Cain Deal With This Third Allegation Against Herman Cain?

This time, Herman Cain is denying his affair with Ginger White, a struggling Atlanta business woman he never denied giving money to.  The question remains, how can we as black women love our husbands who hold such prestigious positions like Herman Cain, after we have discovered their discreet affairs?

How Does Gloria Cain Deal With This Third Allegation Against Herman Cain?

Ginger White Reveals More Information About Her Past Alleged Affair With Herman Cain

On this following video you will also hear more details, regarding their discreet phone calls and also about money, trips and extravagant gifts he gave to Ginger White.  She excuses her behavior of her casual relationship with Hermain Cain as being only human. On the other hand, Cain is yet saying that Ginger White's claim is completely false and she is just a troubled business woman.

Ginger White Reveals More Information About Her Past Alleged Affair With Herman Cain

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Atlanta Police Officers Shoot and Kill Woman Who Stabbed Her Own Child: Single Black Mothers Need Our Support

In today's society, many successful African American women cease the black community while not caring about black women whom yet struggle in their personal lives.   Dear sisters, although they may leave, you must know God is present with you.   Do not allow demons such as the ones who controlled this woman to cause you to have a nervous break down.

Atlanta Police Officers Shoot and Kill Woman Who Stabbed Her Own Child: Single Black Mothers Need Our Support

Atlanta Police Officers Shoot and Kill Woman Who Stabbed Own Child: Can We Blame Today's Average Church?

 You may first ask why we are bringing the black church into this issue?  It is very simple and obvious, if today's average ministers were not after fame and fortune they could help mothers who have lost their minds due to personal hardships in their personal lives.   Many of today's black preachers are so focused on making sure they retain the celebrity status, tragic moments within the black community such as this one, is not their concern.  

Atlanta Police Officers Shoot and Kill Woman Who Stabbed Own Child: Can We Blame Today's Average Church?

Ginger White Accuses Herman Cain; But Is He Telling The Truth or Lying As a Man of God?

Ginger White, a third woman has came forth claiming she did not want to admit to an almost 14-year affair she had with Herman Cain, because she did not want to hurt her and even his family. However, she felt she had to do the right thing and admit their friendship was not without intimacy many nights in luxury hotel rooms. She also allegedly admitted to being lavished with expensive gifts.
Ginger White Accuses Herman Cain; But Is He Telling The Truth or Lying As a Man of God?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking News: On Video, Herman Cain Alerts Press About Another Woman Coming For

 After watching this video, as born again Christians, do you feel in your spirit God wants this man, Herman Cain the President of the United States.  He is alerting the media before this woman comes out and expose him of alleged indecent conduct.  Herman Cain is an entrepreneur

Breaking News: On Video, Herman Cain Alerts Press About Another Woman Coming For

Single Ladies, Be Careful of Men Like Giants Legend Lawrence Taylor Only If Guilty

 Dear sisters, we must be very careful when waiting on God to give us the right man.   There are many black women who make the average mistake of dating the wrong man and then instantly assuming God gave a certain man to them, if he has a lot of money and possibly a very successful famous person.   Just because there is a shortage of black men, it does not mean we are suppose to not weed them out. 

Single Ladies, Be Careful of Men Like Giants Legend Lawrence Taylor Only If Guilty

Watch Video: Patricia Waldren's Testimony of Being Delivered From Drugs Gives Encouragement

 We discovered Patricia Waldren's testimony on CBN and she tells a story of how God saved her in her jail cell, instantly.  He delivered her from being a drug attic.   Patrica grew up under a very abusive father who beat her mother and was an alcoholic she vowed to never follow after.  However, Satan deceived this dear sister and she endured a lifetime of misery for 24-years.   Even after losing her her two children to Child Protective Services, Satan had her in bondage.

Watch Video: Patricia Waldren's Testimony of Being Delivered From Drugs Gives Encouragement

Six HIV Patients Die After Synagogue Church of all Nations Allegedly Advised Them To Stop Taking Medication

Now, this report is really troubling to us, because although we know God is a healer and there have been actual testimonies of people who have been cured of all sorts of diseases, it is so sickening to advise anyone to stop taking their medication.   We are suspicious of any ministry who advises anyone who has been diagnosed with an illness to stop taking their medication.

Six HIV Patients Die After Synagogue Church of all Nations Allegedly Advised Them To Stop Taking Medication

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Watch Video: Tyrone Went To Hell and Lived to Tell About It, Please Don't Believe Bishop Carlton Pearson

 This young man, Tyrone died and actually went to hell.  His story is among many others who have died and experienced being in hell.   In these last and evil days, we have false prophets like Bishop Carlton Pearson who have allegedly claimed there is no hell and or Devil. 

Watch Video: Tyrone Went To Hell and Lived to Tell About It, Please Don't Believe Bishop Carlton Pearson

Friday, November 25, 2011

Watch Video: Nail Salon Brawl in Georgia Reveal Extreme Hatred Among Black Women

 On this following video, we observed such hatred among black women in the 21st century.  Unfortunately, instead of serving the Lord, many black women just like on this crazy scene at the Wal-Mart Nail Salon have voluntarily accepted the Devil's assignment to destroy other black women.

Watch Video: Nail Salon Brawl in Georgia Reveal Extreme Hatred Among Black Women

Is The Black Church Capable to Remove The Curse From The Gospel Artists' Alleged Connection With The Satanic Illuminati?

 Now that the black church has yielded to the worldly ways of secularized gospel music, the anointing has ceased most of their ministries, completely.  Therefore, the pastors who are over these churches are not blessed to rebuke the curse of the gospel music industry's alleged connection with the Satanic Illuminati.

 Is The Black Church Capable to Remove The Curse From The Gospel Artists' Alleged Connection With The Satanic Illuminati?

How Many Gospel Artists Could Be Hell Bound While Enjoying Fame and Fortune?

If the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, Selena and Pope John Paul II is allegedly in hell, what makes you think, God is not holding gospel artists accountable for the way they live their lives and the way they perform?   You cannot claim you are singing for Christ and you are talking, looking, acting or even singing like the world.  

How Many Gospel Artists Could Be Hell Bound While Enjoying Fame and Fortune?

Preachers In The Black Church Deceiving Young Black Boys Into Homosexuality

 What is so sad, many of these black preachers infected these young black boys with the disease and single mothers among the married ones had to bury them years later, along with their husbands and fathers who were also infected with AIDS, allegedly. 

Preachers In The Black Church Deceiving Young Black Boys Into Homosexuality

Friday, November 18, 2011

Watch Video: False Prophets in Nigeria Who Care Nothing for The Poor

Did you know pulpit pimps are very well known in Africa, just like here in America?   Africa is one of the poorest countries, although we heard that there are rich parts, only for those with prestigious positions, of course.   These false prophets claim to be preaching full gospel as Pentecostal preachers while stealing from poor people.

Watch Video: False Prophets in Nigeria Who Care Nothing for The Poor

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penn State Scandal Should Definitely Alert Black Mothers With Sons

 Let us ask you, how is it the race of black women who bore sons without their fathers have endured such agony from this particular case?   The answer dear sisters is simple, there has been rebellion, self-hatred and hatred among ourselves.   Many of our race of black women have hated our own race and loved other races more and many of your black sons who have seen their abnormal behavior have been too weak to resist the lustful behavior of white men like this Penn State coach, Jerry Sandusky. 

Penn State Scandal Should Definitely Alert Black Mothers With Sons

Watch Video: Karen Swift, Mom Suspiciously Vanished Sleeping Next to Daughter

 Karen Swift who recently filed for divorce suddenly vanished while sleeping next to daughter.   There is some suspicion that her husband could be allegedly responsible for her disappearance, but her mother, Carol Johnson says she does not know why they divorce or if he could be responsible.

Watch Video: Karen Swift, Mom Suspiciously Vanished Sleeping Next to Daughter

Update: Pastor Tommy Daniels of First Baptist Rio Linda on Trial for Sexually Abusing Children

 Two sisters testified Tuesday that a Baptist preacher on trial for 12 counts of child molestation sexually abused and degraded them in his Citrus Heights home eight years ago.

Update: Pastor Tommy Daniels of First Baptist Rio Linda on Trial for Sexually Abusing Children

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breaking News: Christian Woman Denies Lesbian Couple Wedding Cake

Victoria Childress who runs her own cake business from home politely sat this lesbian couple down and informed them of her Christian values.  Janelle Sievers claims she replied she understood, but she and her disappointed partner, Trina Vodraska say they were shocked by Childress' denial to bake their wedding cake

Breaking News: Christian Woman Denies Lesbian Couple Wedding Cake

History of Black Church Embracing Drug Dealers and Pimps

 For many years, the outcast within the black church has been certain people who commit sexual sins.  Although, we do not agree with homosexuality, the truth is, the black church has specifically hated and mistreated homosexuals among prostitutes, madams and drug users.

History of Black Church Embracing Drug Dealers and Pimps

Dr. Zachery Tims Church, New Destiny Christian Center Is Yet Strong

We noticed Zachery Tims church members have been having good anointed services, lately.  They have allowed the Holy Ghost to fill the place.   Many members were doing a Holy Ghost shout as the usual way of having new age services seemed to cease.

Dr. Zachery Tims Church, New Destiny Christian Center Is Yet Strong

Dakota Fanning Perfume Ad Banned For 'Exploiting Children'

Children were allegedly exploited on this perfume ad revealing a teenage girl holding a bottle in the wrong spot.
Dakota Fanning Perfume Ad Banned For 'Exploiting Children'

Humanity's The Alleged Blame: ‘Gay’ Penguin Couple Could Be Separated at Toronto Zoo

 This case of these two male African penguins: Buddy and Pedro wanting to mate with one another instead of mating with female penguins is possibly humanity's fault, allegedly.

Humanity's The Alleged Blame: ‘Gay’ Penguin Couple Could Be Separated at Toronto Zoo

Chicago Teen murdered Grandmother Who Was a Cop After Confronted Him About Skipping School

Let us first say this, our condolences go to the family of late Hester Scott.  However, this report claiming that this kid is bi-polar is ludicrous, because back in the day, we couldn't call it that, it was called rebellion and being full of the Devil.

Chicago Teen murdered Grandmother Who Was a Cop After Confronted Him About Skipping School

Audio: Can Pastor Fred Price, Jr. Teach About Wealth, If He Did Not Struggle to Get It?

Now, here is an audio clip of Fred Price, Jr. teaching about wealth, but he never had to struggle to get it.   He was born with a "silver spoon" in his mouth.
Audio: Can Pastor Fred Price, Jr. Teach About Wealth, If He Did Not Struggle to Get It?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Former Heavyweight Boxing Champ Joe Frazier Dies At 67

Former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier died Monday, after he was diagnosed with liver cancer, his family said in a statement.
Former Heavyweight Boxing Champ Joe Frazier Dies At 67

Is Christian Rock Disrespectful to God Similiar to Hip Hop Gospel Music?

Yes indeed, christian rock is blasphemy and this is why many young people and adults of all ages need to take heed to this article.  Christian rock has made many young people...

Is Christian Rock Disrespectful to God Similiar to Hip Hop Gospel Music?

Satanic Illuminati: Is Amy Grant An Alleged Satanist, Revealing The Corna Hand Signal?

 Yes indeed, christian rock is allegedly blasphemy and this is why many young people and adults of all ages need to take heed to this article.  Christian rock has made many young people rebellious in the church just like hip hop gospel music. 

Satanic Illuminati: Is Amy Grant An Alleged Satanist, Revealing The Corna Hand Signal?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Real Gospel Music Has Been Destroyed, Now Matthew Knowles Is In Charge

We cannot understand why those who proclaim to be saved and sanctified would allow Matthew Knowles to be a part of the gospel music industry...

Real Gospel Music Has Been Destroyed, Now Matthew Knowles Is In Charge